Lab Publications
This is a sample of publications from the lab. To see the full listing, check out Chris Moore's Google Scholar page here!
Prosocial Development
Preschool Children's Anticipation of Recipients' Emotions Affects Their Resource Allocation (2015)
M Paulus, C Moore
Social Development 24 (4), 852-867
A Williams, C Moore
Sugar and Spice, and Everything Nice: Exploring Prosocial Development ...
M Paulus, C Moore
Developmental psychology 50 (3), 914
A Williams, M Paulus, C Moore
Frontiers in psychology 5
The influence of empathic concern on prosocial behavior in children (2014)
A Williams, K O’Driscoll, C Moore
Preschool children involve a third party in a dyadic sharing situation based on fairness (2013)
M Paulus, S Gillis, J Li, C Moore
Journal of experimental child psychology 116 (1), 78-85
Producing and understanding prosocial actions in early childhood. (2011)
M Paulus, C Moore
Advances in child development and behavior 42, 271-305
Fairness in Children's Resource Allocation Depends on the Recipient (2009)
C Moore
Psychological Science 20 (8), 944-948
The Cognitive Basis of Future‐oriented Prosocial Behavior (1998)
C Moore, J Barresi, C Thompson
Social Development 7 (2), 198-218
Body Perception
M Jaime, K O’Driscoll, C Moore
Consciousness and Cognition 43, 27-37
Developmental changes in the visual–proprioceptive integration threshold of children (2014)
M Jaime, J Longard, C Moore
Journal of experimental child psychology 125, 1-12
The development of body representations: the integration of visual-proprioceptive information (2012)
S Zwicker, C Moore, DJ Povinelli
Early development of body representations, 19-36
The temporal parameters of visual-proprioceptive intermodal perception in adults (2010)
S Collins, K Yuill, C Moore
Canadian Journal of Experimental Psychology-Revue Canadienne De Psychologie ...
The development of body self-awareness (2007)
C Moore, C Moore, J Mealiea, N Garon, DJ Povinelli
Infancy 11 (2), 157-174
Movement and the rubber hand illusion (2009)
T Dummer, A Picot-Annand, T Neal, C Moore
Perception 38 (2), 271
Gaze Following
Gaze following and the control of attention (1999)
C Moore
Early social cognition: Understanding others in the first months of life ...
Infant gaze following based on eye direction (1998)
C Moore, V Corkum
British Journal of Developmental Psychology 16 (4), 495-503
Targets and Cues: Gaze‐following in Children with Autism (1998)
SR Leekam, E Hunnisett, C Moore
Journal of Child Psychology and Psychiatry 39 (7), 951-962
The development of gaze following in a third-party context (2009)
C Collicott, S Collins, C Moore
Infancy 14 (3), 363-376
The development of gaze following (2008)
C Moore
Child Development Perspectives 2 (2), 66-70
Differences in how 12-and 24-month-olds interpret the gaze of adults (2007)
C Moore, DJ Povinelli
Infancy 11 (3), 215-231
Attentional control by gaze cues in infancy (2007)
AC MacPherson, C Moore
Gaze-following: Its development and significance, 53-75
Understanding the directedness of gaze: Three ways of doing it (2006)
C Moore
Infant and Child Development 15 (2), 191-193
Modeling the development of gaze following needs attention to space (2006)
C Moore
Developmental Science 9 (2), 149
Does gaze direction really trigger a reflexive shift of spatial attention? (2005)
CK Friesen, C Moore, A Kingstone
Brain and cognition 57 (1), 66-69
Does gaze direction produce a reflexive attentional swift without inhibition of return? (2000)
CK Friesen, C Moore, WF Bischof, A Kingstone
Joint Attention
Attention and joint attention in preschool children with autism. (2000)
SR Leekam, B López, C Moore
Developmental psychology 36 (2), 261
The origins of joint visual attention in infants. (1998)
V Corkum, C Moore
Developmental Psychology; Developmental Psychology 34 (1), 28
The role of movement in the development of joint visual attention (1997)
C Moore, M Angelopoulos, P Bennett
Infant Behavior and Development 20 (1), 83-92
C Moore, PJ Dunham
Psychology Press
Current themes in research on joint attention (1995)
PJ Dunham, C Moore
Joint attention: Its origins and role in development, 15-28
Development of joint visual attention in infants (1995)
V Corkum, C Moore
Joint attention: Its origins and role in development, 61-83
Joint attention: Its origins and role in development (1995)
C Moore, PJ Dunham
Lawrence Erlbaum
Carryover effect of joint attention to repeated events in chimpanzees and young children (2011)
S Okamoto‐Barth, C Moore, J Barth, F Subiaul, DJ Povinelli
Developmental science 14 (2), 440-452
The development of attention and joint attention in children with autism (2001)
SR Leekam, C Moore
The development of autism: Perspectives from theory and research
Developmental changes in pointing as a function of attentional focus (2001)
C Moore, B D'Entremont
Journal of Cognition and Development 2 (2), 109-129
Triadic Interactions
Triadic interactions and language development in children with autism spectrum disorder (2015)
J Longard, C Moore
Routledge Handbook of Communication Disorders, 335
Homology in the development of triadic interaction and language (2013)
C Moore
Developmental psychobiology 55 (1), 59-66
Intentional relations and triadic interactions (1999)
C Moore
Developing theories of intention: Social understanding and self-control, 43-61
Young children overimitate in third-party contexts (2012)
M Nielsen, C Moore, J Mohamedally
Journal of Experimental Child Psychology
Theory of Mind
I can talk you into it: Theory of mind and persuasion behavior in young children. (2013)
V Slaughter, CC Peterson, C Moore
Developmental psychology 49 (2), 227
Theory of Mind and Social Interest in Zero‐Acquaintance Play Situations (2011)
C Moore, SL Bosacki, S Macgillivray
Child development 82 (4), 1163-1172
Exposure to media and theory-of-mind development in preschoolers (2010)
RA Mar, JL Tackett, C Moore
Cognitive Development 25 (1), 69-78
Attachment, theory of mind, and delay of gratification (2005)
C Moore, D Symons
The development of social cognition and communication, 181-199
C Moore, K Pure, D Furrow
Child Development 61 (3), 722-730
Developing Theories of Mind-Astington, jw (1990)
British Journal of Developmental Psychology
Altruism, prudence, and theory of mind in preschoolers (2004)
C Moore, S Macgillivray
New Directions for Child and Adolescent Development 2004 (103), 51-62
The development of future-oriented prudence and altruism in preschoolers (1997)
C Thompson, J Barresi, C Moore
Cognitive Development 12 (2), 199-212
Is prospective altruist-detection an evolved solution to the adaptive problem of subtle cheating in cooperative ventures? Supportive evidence using the Wason selection task (2000)
WM Brown, C Moore
Evolution and Human Behavior 21 (1), 25-37
Decision Making
Making decisions about now and later: Development of future-oriented self-control (2012)
NM Garon, J Longard, SE Bryson, C Moore
Cognitive Development 27 (3), 314-322
The Development of Future-Oriented Decision-Making (2010)
Self and social regulation: social interaction and the development of social ...
Awareness and symbol use improves future-oriented decision making in preschoolers (2007)
N Garon, C Moore
Developmental Neuropsychology 31 (1), 39-59
Developmental and gender differences in future-oriented decision-making during the preschool period (2007)
N Garon, C Moore
Child Neuropsychology 13 (1), 46-63
Negative affectivity predicts individual differences in decision making for preschoolers (2006)
N Garon, C Moore
The Journal of genetic psychology 167 (4), 443-462
Decision making in children with ADHD only, ADHD-anxious/depressed, and control children using a child version of the Iowa Gambling Task (2006)
N Garon, C Moore, DA Waschbusch
Journal of Attention Disorders 9 (4), 607-619
Complex decision-making in early childhood (2004)
N Garon, C Moore
Brain and Cognition 55 (1), 158-170
The Self
Imagination and the Self 19 (2013)
C Moore, J Barresi
The Oxford Handbook of the Development of Imagination, 288
Understanding self and others in the second year (2007)
C Moore
Socioemotional development in the toddler years: Transitions and ...
The self in time: Developmental perspectives: Book review (2002)
C Moore, K Lemmon
Infant and Child Development
The nature and utility of the temporally extended self (2001)
C Moore, K Lemmon
Binding the self in time. (2001)
K Lemmon, C Moore
Lawrence Erlbaum Associates Publishers
The self in time: Developmental perspectives (2001)
C Moore, K Lemmon
Lawrence Erlbaum
C Moore, J Barresi
Neural reuse as a source of developmental homology (2010)
DS Moore, C Moore
Behavioral and Brain Sciences 33 (04), 284-285
Smile asymmetries and reputation as reliable indicators of likelihood to cooperate: An evolutionary analysis (2002)
WM Brown, C Moore
11; 3
Evolution and the modularity of mindreading (1996)
C Moore
Cognitive Development 11 (4), 605-621
Adaptive and nonadaptive explanations of sociopathy (1995)
C Moore, MR Rose
Behavioral and Brain Sciences 18 (03), 566-567
A Darwinian function for the orbital cortex (1993)
MR Rose, C Moore
Journal of theoretical biology 161 (1), 119-129
Social Understanding
Cumulative contextual risk, maternal responsivity, and social cognition at 18 months (2015)
M Wade, C Moore, JW Astington, K Frampton, JM Jenkins
Development and psychopathology 27 (01), 189-203
PM Shimpi, N Akhtar, C Moore
Journal of experimental child psychology 116 (2), 309-323
A second-person approach cannot explain intentionality in social understanding (2013)
C Moore, M Paulus
Behavioral and Brain Sciences 36 (04), 430-431
The development of social learning in interactive and observational contexts (2013)
H Matheson, C Moore, N Akhtar
Journal of experimental child psychology 114 (2), 161-172
The Impact of Media on the Development of Preschoolers (2013)
R Mar, JL Tackett, C Moore
Introduction to the special issue: The development of episodic foresight (2011)
T Suddendorf, C Moore
Cognitive Development 26 (4), 295-298
NF Bandstra, CT Chambers, PJ McGrath, C Moore
Pain 152 (5), 1074-1082
M Paulus, C Moore
Experimental brain research, 1-8
Social cognition in infancy (2010)
C Moore
Encyclopedia on Early Childhood Development, 1-4
Understanding interest in the second year of life (2010)
AC MacPherson, C Moore
Infancy 15 (3), 324-335
The construction of commonsense psychology in infancy (2010)
C Moore, J Barresi
Developmental social cognitive neuroscience, 43-62
I Marton, J Wiener, M Rogers, C Moore, R Tannock
Journal of abnormal child psychology 37 (1), 107-118
The neuroscience of social understanding (2008)
J Barresi, C Moore
J. Zlatev, T. Racine, C. Sinha, and E. Itkonen, The Shared Mind ...
The development of prudence in the face of varying future rewards (2007)
K Lemmon, C Moore
Developmental science 10 (4), 502-511
C Moore
British Journal of Developmental Psychology 25 (1), 39-43
The development of commonsense psychology (2006)
C Moore
Lawrence Erlbaum
Representing intentional relations and acting intentionally in infancy: Current insights and open questions (2006)
C Moore
Human body perception from the inside out, 427-442
Preschoolers' understanding of simple and complex emotions: Links with gender and language (2004)
SL Bosacki, C Moore
Sex roles 50 (9-10), 659-675
Even an “epistemic triangle” has three sides (2004)
J Barresi, C Moore
Behavioral and Brain Sciences 27 (01), 98-99
Inhibition of return in children and adolescents (2003)
AC MacPherson, RM Klein, C Moore
Journal of Experimental Child Psychology 85 (4), 337-351
Fluctuating asymmetry and romantic jealousy (2003)
WM Brown, C Moore
Evolution and Human Behavior 24 (2), 113-117
Are there nonverbal cues to commitment? An exploratory study using the zero-acquaintance video presentation paradigm (2003)
WM Brown, B Palameta, C Moore
Evolutionary Psychology 1 (1), 147470490300100104
Social cognition in infancy (1998)
C Moore
Monographs of the Society for Research in Child Development 63 (4), 167-17
The development of social understanding in children with visual impairments (1995)
LM McAlpine, CL Moore
Journal of Visual Impairment and Blindness 89, 349-349
The role of convention in the communication of private events (1993)
C Moore
Behavioral and Brain Sciences 16 (04), 656-657
Word learning in the context of referential and salience cues. (1999)
C Moore, M Angelopoulos, P Bennett
Developmental psychology 35 (1), 60
Children's comprehension of the distinction between want and need (1995)
C Moore, C Gilbert, F Sapp
Journal of child language 22 (03), 687-701
Developmental relationships between production and comprehension of mental terms (1994)
C Moore, D Furrow, L Chiasson, M Patriquin
First language 14 (40), 001-17
Differential responding to two-and three-year-olds' utterances: the roles of grammaticality and ambiguity (1993)
D Furrow, C Baillie, J McLaren, C Moore
Journal of child language 20 (02), 363-375
Lexical and prosodic cues in the comprehension of relative certainty (1993)
C Moore, L Harris, M Patriquin
Journal of Child Language 20 (01), 153-167
Mental terms in mothers' and children's speech: Similarities and relationships (1992)
D Furrow, C Moore, J Davidge, L Chiasson
Journal of Child Language 19 (03), 617-631
Gender differences in differentiating terms expressing certainty (1990)
D Furrow, C Moore
Journal of psycholinguistic research 19 (6), 375-385
The acoustical analysis of children's use of prosody in assertive and directive contexts (1990)
D Furrow, W Podrouzek, C Moore
First language 10 (28), 37-49
The development of mental terms: Pragmatics or semantics (1989)
C Moore, J Davidge
Journal of Child Language 16 (03), 633-641
Mental terms and the development of certainty (1989)
C Moore, D Bryant, D Furrow
Child Development, 167-171
View specificity, array specificity, and egocentrism in young children's drawings. (1987)
C Moore, J Williams, A Gorczynska
Canadian Journal of Psychology/Revue canadienne de psychologie 41 (1), 74
Context, conservation and the meanings of more (1986)
C Moore, D Frye
British journal of developmental psychology 4 (2), 169-178
The effect of experimenter's intention on the child's understanding of conservation (1986)
C Moore, D Frye
Cognition 22 (3), 283-298
Genetic and nongenetic constraints on learning: A response to Chomsky (1986)
C Moore, D Furrow
New Ideas in Psychology 4 (2), 211-214
C Moore, C Nelson-Piercy, M Abel, D Frye
Journal of Experimental Child Psychology 38 (1), 1-6
The effect of context on the child's understanding of numbers and quantity. (1984)
CL Moore
University of Cambridge
Object–person discrimination and communication at 3 and 10 months. (1983)
D Frye, P Rawling, C Moore, I Myers
Developmental Psychology 19 (3), 303